Saturday, December 19, 2015


In Wadi Alma'awil appearance many poets, writers, scientists, intellectuals and social figures. It includes many of literary discussions and global events for the exchange of science and knowledge among them

Among the most famous poets and scholars:
Sheikh/ Mohammed bin Amir Almaawali Author of two books (Civility in writing instruments and wills the provisions of that) and (Polite in the statutes), Mohammed bin shamas Albahri (author of Fulk Almashhoon), and scholar sheikh/ Ali bin hamed Alnibi (famous for his sharia and grammar studies). In addition Sheikh/ Saleh bin soud Almaawali, late writer and leader/ Mohammed bin Rashid Almaawali, poet/ Nasser bin salem Almaawali, late Sheikh/ Saif bin Abdulaziz Alrawahi, And others. 

Sheikh/ Saleh bin soud Almaawali